Free Webinar Reveals...
"How I (a former physician), overcame overwhelm & stress while working 60+ hours a week &
transformed my life using 3 simple steps.

(Hint: My favorite key is not what you might expect and has nothing to do with the typical time management tools you're used to seeing - yet not so "out there" that you get no results. This technique will help you to make a shift in your business TODAY so that you can nip overwhelm in the bud, and become more productive, creative and profitable!)



  • Saturday, 28th June
  • 8am Los Angeles
  • 11am New York
  • 4pm London

Enter your name + email
below and join me!

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Here's what you'll learn in this webinar

  • How to arrange your tasks according to right and left brain activities so you can be SUPER-productive (this is SO awesome)!
  • How to avoid the dreaded anxiety-producing habit of “CALENDAR STUFFING.”
  • The 6 subconscious fear-based beliefs that DRIVE US to create overwhelm, procrastination + lack of abundance in our lives.
  • The 5 personality types that try to keep us safe but actually create UTTER CHAOS!
  • How to get yourself to do both the things you love AND income producing activities – rather than time-sucking nonsense!

When do you feel overwhelmed? Post below!